Perhaps you've all heard about foods that actually help you loose weight simply by eating them.  Well folks here's a list of just those such foods.  Recently I've been preaching the importance of Glycemic index which seems to get lost in all the pardon my french but calorie counting BS.  So make sure to check out this list of negative calorie foods…

Then take a gander on over to Fitlish and look up some lip smackin good recipes sure to peal off the stubborn layers of fat you made resolutions to get rid of this year!

I've long since told my friends that Probiotic print on items in the supermarket is simply a means for food manufacturers to push their products.  Touted Probiotics in most all these foods aren't what they are cracked up to be.  A recent article by the New York Times highlights this very issue…

New York Times article, Probioitics – Looking Underneath your Yogurt Label

The outcome of a recent legal case may help. Dannon, one of the biggest sellers of probiotic yogurts, settled a class-action lawsuit this month over its Activia yogurts and DanActive yogurt drinks, which claimed to help regulate digestion and stimulate the immune system. As part of the $35 million settlement, Dannon agreed to reimburse dissatisfied consumers and make labeling changes, among them adding the scientific names of probiotic strains it uses.

It isn't a bad article.  Although I don't completely concur.  Probiotics are a vital part of the life function.  They seem to downplay the significance of good bacteria aka Probiotics in our digestive process and immune response.  The takeaway from this article though is to realize that what you're purchasing in the grocery store isn't necessarily all it's cracked up to be.  

A big trouble with Probiotics is they have to survive the strong acid in your stomach before they can reach your digestive tract.  This means virtually all advertised Probiotics have absolutely no effect on your digestion because none of the bacterial cultures ever reach your digestive tract.  Additionally, when we take antibiotics these can negatively influence these good bacterial cultures working in harmony with our body.  A healthy balance of good bacteria is essential for healthy life function. 

I am working on a bacterial food book as we speak to provide you with the complete picture and to uncover many of these issues with modern probiotic craze.  So stay tuned! 

In the mean time make sure to check out some of our healthy recipes at

Hey Everybody:

I want to give a big shout out for Tim's new book the Four Hour Body.  Not only has Tim been a great inspriation in my work as an entrepenour.  He has similar passions to myself and us in that he's obsessed with personal physical performance.  He was interested in one of the recipes we had posted and so I shared it with him to celebrate the release of his new book, the Four Hour Body.  Make sure to check out the book!  I'm going to post a review once I've completed reading it.

In the mean time checkout the rocking promotional video they made!!!  If you're interested in picking up a copy of the book, make sure to get it from this link Purchase The Four Hour Body, it's cheaper, and will help support our Kiva fund which assists entrepreneurs in third world countries.


Sorry I've been so bad lately about keeping you guys up to date with cool wall posts.  I've been working many days 20+ hours at my day job.  It's a lot but should only be for the short term.  Then I can get back to give you more of the Fitlish Low down!

Here's a really cool recipe I recently stumbled onto.  It's a Seafood Soup.  Looks very tasty.  I think I'll try it this weekend.  Apparently you can get everything from Trader Joes making this a one stop shop !

If you're interested in other Fitlish recipes checkout mine at:

See you there!!!

Hey Everybody,

Sorry for my recent absence.  Things have been hectic in my life and as a result my posts on Fitlish have tapered off.  But I see you guys are continuing to visit the site which is greatly appreciated.  I will be returning to school in the Spring to learn more about web development and push things to the next level so stay tuned!

As you all well know I've spent the past several months evaluating the Paleo Diet Plan.  I was a bit skeptical of what the results might be, even after performing the diet for 3 months and religiously avoiding grains.  It wasn't until this last week that I tried them again.  Wheat was difficult to avoid as I was at the traditional seasonal Christmas parties we're all accustomed to.

Upon trying some pastries among several wheat based dishes (friend wanted to share their cooking with me) I got fairly sick.  These pastries were Wheat based of course.  When I tried them they just didn't seem to have the flavor I'm accustomed to with my Paleo friendly foods.  Instead they tasted flavorless and made my stomach turn knots.  The next day I felt a sick and drained.

I had a similar experience eating Peanuts which are actually not nuts at all they are Legumes one of the most anti-nutrient dense foods on the planet!  They made me quite sick.  I immediately broke out with nasty allergies, got light headed, and had no energy.  To say the least I felt like crap.  Keep in mind prior to the diet I had a hard time noticing the adverse effects of these foods.  It was because I had nothing to compare them to as they had always been a part of my regular diet.  It wasn't until I tried omitting anti-nutrient dense foods that I realized the adverse effects they have on all of us including myself!

Interestingly though, not all grains are culprit!  Rice seemed to be OK in my diet and corn (corn nuts to be specific) seemed to have little effect on how I felt.  Now they aren't the best nutrients but in my experience I found eating them in moderation had no adverse effect on how I feel.  Mark's Daily Apple has an interesting post about Rice as pertains to Paleo in general which you can view here, Is Rice Unhealthy?:

It's a great article, here's a snippet, I recommend checking out the whole thing 🙂

The cereal grain family prides itself on its powerful, expansive arsenal of lectins, phytates, gluten, and other antinutrients. A single seed of its patriarch, wheat, can punch holes in gut linings with ease, and cousin oat has managed to obtain official recognition as being good for the heart even as it doses you with gluten. As healthy whole grains, they hide their armaments in plain sight; they cloak their puny bodies in the very poisons for which they are lauded and applauded. We Primals have got a heated feud going with the family as a whole, but should we paint all its members with the same brush?

Additionally, if you're interested in learning about my Paleo Diet Results checkout this link here,

So exhausted been working 20+ hour days again.  Sorry I'm not more upbeat lol.  But I stumbled onto this article recently.  It's rather interesting talk about where some common foods originated from.  Check it out…

Let me know what you guys think.  More articles?  Post up some comments and I'll make sure to get back with you.


I've got some pretty amazing results by omiting grains from my diet.  Many people think I'm going to keel over dead though.  They incist that grains are a vital part of your nutitional intake.  I beg to differ, they provide no nutrient which cannot be found elsewhere and even in better quality.  Grains are completely unnecessary.
I was excited to see another excellent article by Mark's Daily Apple entitled, Why Grains Are Unhealthy speaking to exactly this.  He talks about many of the misconceptions surrounding grains and our nutritional requirements.  If you are a nasayer and feel animately that grains are required in your daily diet take a look at his article.

Apart from maintaining social conventions in certain situations and obtaining cheap sugar calories, there is absolutely no reason to eat grains. Believe me – I’ve searched far and wide and asked everyone I can for just one good reason to eat cereal grains, but no one can do it. They may have answers, but they just aren’t good enough…


Turns out Latic Acid is not quite what you think it is.  Latic Acid is actually a fuel source. It steps in to take over when there's no more oxygen to burn glucose.  Many many years ago Otto Meyerhof performed a study and actually pointed to Lactic Acid as a villain.  As a result popular belief is bad things occur as a result of lactic acid buildup.  This phobia has led to many restrictions on training, etc.

An interesting study by Dr. Brooks found otherwise.  In a recent New Your Times, article they speak to the true function of Lactic Acid, you can check it out here, Lactic Acid Is Not Muscles' Foe, It's Fuel

Coaches and personal trainers tell athletes and exercisers that they have to learn to work out at just below their "lactic threshold," that point of diminishing returns when lactic acid starts to accumulate. Some athletes even have blood tests to find their personal lactic thresholds.  But that, it turns out, is all wrong.

I find this hilariously comical yet disturbingly scarey.  As a college student I always wasn't the safest, best nourished, student.  Many times bars would offer drink specials.  Most every time the special was some concoction of an energy drink (Monster, Red Bull, etc.) combined with hard alcohol.

Most every time I got sick as a dog after drinking these things.  My body never knew if it wanted to bounce off the walls, go into a perpetual sleep mode, or just simply seize to function all toegether.  The next day I would always have the worst hangover of my life.  Furthermore I heard rumors of people having heart attacks, falling into comas, you know all the common college urban legends that float around.

Apparently there was some merit to the urban legends!  After my college years these drinks gained some traction and alcohol distributors started bundling them and selling them as alcoholic energy drinks (Sparks, Four Loco, etc.).  The FDA is now recalling all these energy drinks!

Here's an excerpt from the CNN article, FDA Calls 7 Caffeine-Alcohol Drinks Unsafe

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration told the manufacturers of seven caffeinated alcoholic beverages Wednesday that their drinks are a "public health concern" and can't stay on the market in their current form.

Personally, I'd recommend staying away from these poison cocktails all together.  I'd actually recommend staying away from drinks which combine refined sugars and caffeine all together.  Let alone alcoholic drinks with these two!  Caffeine only serves to amplify the negative effects of the underlying ingredients as it increases your circulation delivering the nutrients to more nooks and crannies in your body.

But hey it's your body and your health.  So enjoy!

I recently learned that Dr. Weil lives in Tucson and also heard he teaches at the University of Arizona now.  That being true I'd love to take one of his classes.  He's an expert in health and nutrition and has written many books about more proactive medicine via healthy nutrition.  Very interesting guy.
I stumbled onto an interesting post on his blog.  It was about Broccoli that little green vegtable most of us didn't like as kids.  Although I did, so does that make me weird???  Anyways, as a body builder I ate TONS of Broccoli so I was excited to learn a little bit more out about it.
Apparently it's also good for building healthy joints!!!  Dr. Weil writes about it in his post, Broccoli for Healthy Joints

…a compound in broccoli, helps deter the arthritic process and provides long-term benefits for joint health.
